
Bulter School
 In the past, it was popular for rich people in England to have servants, or people to help manage their homes. The most important servant was the butler. Today, there are fewer butlers, but the job is still important. What skills make a good butler?Where does one learn them?

 Do you long for having some butlers?  If you don't, do you want to be a butler?    Recently, the number of butlers is small.  If you would be butlers, the situation maybe change...  Joking aside, how hard is it to be a butler?  It is beyound our imagination.  People who want to be a butler have to graduate a butler school, but it is so hard.  As a trial, please say a special phrases to someone ...
"It's pleasure,sir"  "No bloblem, sir" "Your champagne, my lord." Maybe, you will laugh!  Even to say some word is difficult, and what is more, butlers have to deal with anything. Foe example, selecting a good champagne, carying something with correct posture( you practice by carying something on your head), or fighting with invaders!  The work of being butler is so so so hard and cool.

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Cummins, Jim

  Cummins, Jim is  professor James Patrick Cummins who is one of the world's most influential researchers in bilingualism studies. He wa...