
BE:0-15: Monkey Party

Most people in Thailand are Buddhists, and for many of them monkeys are very important animals. (p. 8)

Do you like monkeys?  They are so cute and some people may love them, but the others may not like them. They sometimes cause a lot of trouble.  For example in Thailand, there are monkeys everywhere. They run around the streets, climb on car, houses. They can go anywhere they want to and get into something.  Some accidents can be taken by them.  And they sometimes take food. They are troublemakers.  However, the people of Thailand allow the monkeys to run around the streets. They know that the people also cause some problem. They never try to stop the monkeys. And, what is more, people of Lopburi in Thailand have a monkey party! They offer a banquet with lots of food with monkeys. Then, there's even a particularly special party where the festival organizers are giving the monkey a whole cake. Do monkeys like and eat it? They don't like the cake. They love it. People watching them are very happy. They really love the monkeys. But, why do people such things to monkeys? Is it because people there are monkey lovers? Or do the monkeys bring something good to people? That's because people in Thailand are Buddhists, and for many of them monkeys are very important animals.  Monkeys are main characters in many Thai stories and legends. What stories are they?  This book refers that.

 On the other hand, monkeys are considered as devils in some countries. These ideas come from ancient stories.  Whether people think of a animal as sacred or not shows the history and the culture. To understand people in other country, animals may be a guideline.

In the last page, there are the Jataka Stories of Buddha. Jataka Stories are stories which were drawn in stones.These stories were important for people because they show how to lead a good life, and the heroes in a lot of these stories are monkeys. That means  monkeys told people how to lead a life. These stories are now legends in Thailand.  If you get an interest in those stories, please read this book !

Rob Waring.(2008). Monkey party. Boston, MA : Thomson/Heinle



BR:1-14: What are you afraid of? Fears and Phobias

Do rats make you run? Do sharks make you shake? How often are you in a panic?  (p. 24)

 There are a lot of fears in our world from small one to big one.  There are a variety of fears from a fear which you may feel risk of your life to a fear which you get when you are scolded by teachers or your parents. This world is full of many fears!!   I have recently experienced a fear. One day, I went shopping to a shopping mall far from my house with my sister. At first, we had a good time. However, after some shopping, we quarreled due to a trivial thing. My sister drived, so my sister left me alone at the mall and went somewhere. "Oh, making her angry means losing my way to my house?  Please come back! ", I thought, and felt fear. I don't have enough money to take some public transportations after shopping, so I thought I should walk. I had a few confidence whether I could get home from the unfamiliar place.  After all, my sister returned,  but it's true I felt a fear. Maybe, I wouldn't have afraid if I had met some alien then. When I told about this story to my friends, they said alien scared more than human.  Therefore,  the feeling about fears is so different by individuals. In this book, many fears are mentioned, for example, the fun of fear and the business of fear.  The fear is so mysterious!
The amygdala in the brain
 According to this book, the memory of the danger that causes the feeling of fear is kept for some time in the amygdala. If your amygdala works perfectly, you manage to keep calm when you encounter something scary. In the end of this book, there is a test to measure the degree of your coward! Why don't you know how much you are afraid some fears!

Diane Naughton. what are you afraid of? Fears and phobias. (2014). New York : Cambridge University


ER:1-13: Stealing

So, is Jack a good boy for getting money for his family, or is he a thief? Or, is he both?(p. 9)

 Stealing something is vice.  Robbers must be arrested and pay for their stealing. It's true, I think. This book also mentions such bad deed.  But, it refers to "thieves we like", at the same time. What is the admirable stealing on earth?  That is some stealing which are done for saving poor people. For example,  Jack from a famous story "Jack and the Bean tree" can be cited.  As you know, he steals money and other things before he leaves a big house in the sky. After all, he gets money for his mother. But is his action really good?

 Then, Arsene Lupine is one of the admirable thieves. He is a thief gentleman who was created by French mystery writer Maurice LeBlanc. He has a clear mind and a talent for disguise. He is full of wit and humor. He accomplishes any thief considered to be impossible easily, but he never commit theft to poor people.  He targets unjust politicians and businessmen. He save weak women or children, and innocent people. He is called benevolent thief. Is he bad man?  Probably, many people answer "No, He isn't so bad."   Of course, stealing is bad thing.  While, some thief gentlemen are hero. That's because they teach a lesson to politicians with corruption and help some people.  Lupine is the Savior to many people rather than thief!  We can not necessarily say that stealing is bad thing! But I think that stealing such as Lupine is glorified by power of description of the writer. If a real phantom thief like Lupine appeared actually, could we praise him? It 's only in the world of novels and comics?  I could consider such thing deeply thorough this book. Thinking about something which we don't  usually consider is interesting!  There are a lot of doubts on books of this series. Please read this book and think! 

David Maule. (2014). Stealing. New York : Cambridge University


BR:1-12: Logan's Choice

'Yes, madam, ' said Grant. (p.32)

 A man who has money, friend and beautiful wife is dead at a bathroom. Inspector Logan decides that this is a murder case.  She tries to find the murder and gather a lot of information. Some trivial thing is also important to solve the case. Her wisdom and accurate instructions to sergeant Grant leads the case to a solution, again!!

 Have you read "Inspector Logan" , the beginning of the story of inspector Logan series?  In the first book, sergeant Grant doesn't accept Logan as a reliable inspector, and he doesn't call Logan madam. However, please pay attention to the quotation of this blog. He calls her madam with trust. If you have known the characters already, you can smile at the expression, madam. If you don't read the previous story and don't know who is Logan, please imagine that she has many trouble to be good inspector. Then, probably, you will be pleased when you realize the description...
 The change of human relation among characters is of course charming. However, another point to focus on is Logan's intelligence! The process where problem goes to the solution is so interesting. This is why I recommend this series to you!!

Richard MacAndrew.(2000). Logan's choice. Cambridge University: Britain

Cummins, Jim

  Cummins, Jim is  professor James Patrick Cummins who is one of the world's most influential researchers in bilingualism studies. He wa...