
BR:1-14: What are you afraid of? Fears and Phobias

Do rats make you run? Do sharks make you shake? How often are you in a panic?  (p. 24)

 There are a lot of fears in our world from small one to big one.  There are a variety of fears from a fear which you may feel risk of your life to a fear which you get when you are scolded by teachers or your parents. This world is full of many fears!!   I have recently experienced a fear. One day, I went shopping to a shopping mall far from my house with my sister. At first, we had a good time. However, after some shopping, we quarreled due to a trivial thing. My sister drived, so my sister left me alone at the mall and went somewhere. "Oh, making her angry means losing my way to my house?  Please come back! ", I thought, and felt fear. I don't have enough money to take some public transportations after shopping, so I thought I should walk. I had a few confidence whether I could get home from the unfamiliar place.  After all, my sister returned,  but it's true I felt a fear. Maybe, I wouldn't have afraid if I had met some alien then. When I told about this story to my friends, they said alien scared more than human.  Therefore,  the feeling about fears is so different by individuals. In this book, many fears are mentioned, for example, the fun of fear and the business of fear.  The fear is so mysterious!
The amygdala in the brain
 According to this book, the memory of the danger that causes the feeling of fear is kept for some time in the amygdala. If your amygdala works perfectly, you manage to keep calm when you encounter something scary. In the end of this book, there is a test to measure the degree of your coward! Why don't you know how much you are afraid some fears!

Diane Naughton. what are you afraid of? Fears and phobias. (2014). New York : Cambridge University

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Cummins, Jim

  Cummins, Jim is  professor James Patrick Cummins who is one of the world's most influential researchers in bilingualism studies. He wa...