


Poor Cousin Joan!
She can't read her book when Willy and Rosa are pinching and squeezing and fighting. So she tells them stories about two little alligators who are always fighting and biting—just like Willy and Rosa!

                                                                                                                                                                     Have you experienced any of the following? 
You have some siblings.  One day, you and your sibling start to quarrel.
One says"you are bad!" Then, the other replys "You are bad!"  If you are in such a situation, you are said that you are just like two alligators.

You begin to fight with your friend.  One says"You hurt me!" Then, the other says"You hurt me, too!"  If you are in such a situation, yes, you are just like two alligators.

In this book, two brother, Willy and Rosa fought to sit next to cousin Joan who wanted to read a book. Willy said to Rosa" you squeeze me!", and Rosa said " you squeeze me!" Then, cousin Joan told them a story of two alligators. They looked like Willy and Rosa. They fought and bit each other.
Trough the story, the brothers knew what they was doing!

If you have some experiences like that, the book is so interesting!
Please read the book. And, think about your relationship with your close people.

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Cummins, Jim

  Cummins, Jim is  professor James Patrick Cummins who is one of the world's most influential researchers in bilingualism studies. He wa...