
CORDUROY Makes a Cake
Corduroy finds out that Lisa is having a birthday party. Corduroy loves birthday parties! So he decides to bake Lisa a Corduroy Cake, but he makes a great big mess....

 Corduroy is a cute bear.  He love hia master, Lisa.  As soon as he knew the Lisa's birthday party, he tried to make a cake for her. But, instead of making a cake, he made a big mess.
Corduroy spilled flour and dusted himeself off.
Corduroy turned on a mixer. The batter hit the walls!
Then...he tried to write words on a cake. He needed practice, so he did on a bath tub, a counter and a mirror!!
 When Lisa's mather saw it, she screamed!!

 Corduroy were too crazy about making a cake for Lisa to pay attention to the surrounding calmly. Could he find another way to give Lisa a birthday poresent?

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Cummins, Jim

  Cummins, Jim is  professor James Patrick Cummins who is one of the world's most influential researchers in bilingualism studies. He wa...