
The Magic of Music

Some scientists think that people used music, and moving to music, as a way to feel the same emotions and work together.(p.7)

The magic of music cambridge university に対する画像結果

   When you are tired studying, or when you don't feel like studying, what do you do? Give up, or forget it? Or try to do by force? In my case, none of them. When I don't want to start or continue studying, what I do is to listen music. By listening some music, I develop my motivation, and I don't have any suffering of studying! Therefore, the power of music is so enormous, and I need not to explain it. That is, most people know that.
   And you know the reason I chose this book. I was attracted by the title: The Magic of Music. Before I read this book, I intended I have already known what the title meant. I though that this book would tell about the charm points of music. But, after I read this book, I noticed that I had had some stereotypes about music. What do you think when you ask about music? I imagined the sound made by instruments or human voices. For example, J-POP, K-POP,Western Music, etc. However, the range of "music" is so vast. For example. a rhythm which is made when a mother hold her baby is also included in "music". The mothers in every country who speak different language make the same music when they hold their own babies! It is so interesting. Then, animal rhythms are also music. Animals compose songs, too. Bird songs can have the same rhythm and pitches as human music. They sing to give information, to tell other birds when there is danger, and to find love. when I read this, I remember studying by listening beautiful nature's sound, like the wind or rain or bird singing on YouTube. That is, I know that animal rhythms are one of the music, although I forgot it...
   But, it is natural to imagine sound which have melody and lyric when you hear the word of "music", right? So, this book give readers a chance of thinking about minor music. Plead read it.

Genevieve Kocienda. The magic of music. (2014). Cambridge University:Cambridge

Cummins, Jim

  Cummins, Jim is  professor James Patrick Cummins who is one of the world's most influential researchers in bilingualism studies. He wa...