
Ⅱ-14: The dark side of the city

 The name is Nat Marely. I've been a private investigator in New York for over ten ears. Before that, I was in the police.(book cover)

  King's Day on January 17. A man named Curtis Wilson comes to Nat Marley, a private detective who has an office in New York. Wilson's sister Dionne recently notices something strange with her husband Ellis Freeman. Therefore, it was a request to find out what happened. Ellis, who is originally cheerful, seems to be scared of something these days. At first, Marley visits a pet shop which Ellis manages, and he gets information that Ellis delivers pets for customers.Next day, he and his former colleague Joe wait in front of the pet shop in the car. They see Ellis and two other young men cramming paper bags into a delivery van. Then they chase the car and find the men delivering them to an apartment where pets are banned. After that day, the incident happens. A resident who lives in the apartment dies because of cocaine. Marley breaks into the pet shop to find out what's in the paper bag in the van. Then, he discover...
  The main character, Marley find the dark side of the city during searching the incident. There are many problem in our city, for example, criminal act, black market trading, homeless and so on.  The readers are probably not a detective, but they can think of the solution of the city problem. Therefore, please think about such a problem when you read this book!

Battersby Alan.(2012). The dark side of thr city. Cambridge University: Cambridge

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Cummins, Jim

  Cummins, Jim is  professor James Patrick Cummins who is one of the world's most influential researchers in bilingualism studies. He wa...