
Ⅱ-03:Circle Games

  He turned as spoke and his foot moved quickly up into the air...(P.10)

  There are five stories in this book. Four of the five stories have punch lines, but  the last story doesn't. So when you finish reading the all stories, you won't be clear to the ending. This book make you think as it say...
 Among five stories, first story make us smile. In this story, an old man who loved to talk the past is the main character. He is proud of  how quick he was when he was young. He talks people that he could catch a fly in his hand when he was younger at his cafe. All he does is talk, and his family work so hard.  People think that he is an old stupid person.Of course, people around him get complaint to him! On the Chinese New  Year, the cafe is busy and people tell him to work. At first he tries to work, but he begins to talk again once one person ask him the pictures of Chines lion dance on wall, he begins to talk again because the picture is involve in his past. He stoops his work and talk and talk!  But this times, he becomes popular again because of an accident. Are there some people like him around you-who is not a bad person, but he is always speaking? We can see such a person in real, so  we can smile at this story.   
 The other stories are interesting. And each of them is so short. If you have time and interests in this book, please read this book! Which story make you smile or think most?

Frank Brennan. Circle Games. (2005) Cambridge University: Cambridge

1 件のコメント:

Cummins, Jim

  Cummins, Jim is  professor James Patrick Cummins who is one of the world's most influential researchers in bilingualism studies. He wa...