
Ⅱ- 02:The New Zealand File

He didn't like mobile phones. Sometimes you really needed them. The problem was that when you turned them on, people could find out where you were. (P.10)

  Do you have a phone? Probably, many people have one. Could you live without phones?  For modern  people like us,  phones are essential, right?  Then, could you throw it away if your phone disturbs your tasks? As you know, mobile phones are convenient but so dangerous at the same time. There are a lot of information in a phone, and it's so risky if someone know them. Especially, for some executives such as spies or person working for ICPO, the device is difficult to treat. The protagonist of this book is also such a special worker. One day, he gets a mission which affects on his nation. He is a brilliant worker, however, he is involved in many trouble in this task. His enemies know where he is because of his phone! Therefore, he decides to discard it, but....
  If you know the following of but and you are good at solving some riddles, please read this book. This book have much development which betray you.  When I read this book, I wanted to ask some hard question to many thing( I wanted to do " tukkomi" in Japanese!!) Like me, you will get some surprise.

 Richard MacAndrew. The New Zealand File. (2009). Cambridge: Cambridge university

1 件のコメント:

Cummins, Jim

  Cummins, Jim is  professor James Patrick Cummins who is one of the world's most influential researchers in bilingualism studies. He wa...