
BR:1-10: Moonwalk: The first trip to the moon

   With almost every step they leave footprints on the moon! (P. 41)

 We know something about the moon, right? The moon is closest to the earth in the solar system, and it is the only extraterrestrial object that mankind has reached.   Long ago,  however, going to the moon was only a dream. People all over the world imagined many things  about moon. Some people believed it was a god. In Japan, people thought there was a rabbit on the moon.  Later, people learned a lot of things about the moon through telescopes. They were dreaming of visiting it.
 In 1969, that dream came true! Apollo 11 of the United States of America left the earth to go to the moon.  About five days later, two astronauts stood on the moon for the first time in human's history.  They left footprints there. There is no wind or rain, so, if no one comes to disturb them, they will stay there for a long time... 

 There are many stories which is unfamiliar to us behind the story of success.  A lot of people who were watching the moment of the first trip on TV might have be excited. But to go to the moon was so dangerous and hard work. Three astronauts had to get over some troubles and cooperate with each other and share some roles. The  story of "Apollo 11" is famous, but there were a lot of difficulties which is not known so much.  This book is good for people who are interested in the process of the first trip to the moon.

Donnelly Judy. (1999). Moonwalk:The first trip to the moon: New York: Random House

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Cummins, Jim

  Cummins, Jim is  professor James Patrick Cummins who is one of the world's most influential researchers in bilingualism studies. He wa...