
BR:1-09: Black Beauty

"Always be good, so people will love you. Always work hard and do your best." (p. 4)

  Always be good , so people will love you. Always work hard and your best. These were the words of Black Beauty's mother to her son when he was only young horse.(quotation from page 4) At that time, he lives peacefully in a big field of green grass with his mother and other horses. However, when Black Beauty-the hero horse- gets older, his life changes. As a carriage-horse, he is tamed by humans, he does his best as her mother tells him. A first, he works nicely with a good family, but he is sold because his master decides to move for his ill wise. Then, Black Beauty is separated from his companies and his masters and the family. He was pass into  the hands of many people, encounters a variety of people and goes through many things. Any time he never forget his mother's lesson.

 This story is developed through Black Beauty's flash back.  That's why we readers can see things from a horse's point of view. At last,a special thing happens, and we can also sympathize with him thanks to the style of autobiography of a hero horse. After I finish reading, I perceived a sigh of great work. Through some searching, I found out that it was the only novel in the life of woman writer, Anna Sewell of England. According to Wikipedia, the author's sympathetic depiction of  the plight of working animals is said to have led to a large interest in Animal rights protection and to make an effort foe  abolition of the habit of bearing-rein. This influential novel became a movie, so it is possible to enjoy this story by both reading and watching.

Swell Anna. (2000). Black Beauty. Britain: Person Education

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Cummins, Jim

  Cummins, Jim is  professor James Patrick Cummins who is one of the world's most influential researchers in bilingualism studies. He wa...