
BR:1-08: Babe: The sheep-pig

"I want to be a sheep-pig," Babe said." (p. 13)

 Please look at that lovely animals on the book. Hero character of this book is the pig. He is Babe. His mother called all her young the same name, "Babe".  When he comes to his boss' farm for the first time, and be asked his name by a sheep-dog named Fly, he doesn't know his name. Fly decides to call his "Babe", and he regards her "Mum".  Sheep-dogs are guard dogs, who is trained for their jobs. They keep eyes on their sheep, lead them, and guarded them from human robber or predator like wolves. Babe's first friend is Fly who is a sheep-dog, so he long for sheep-dog. He wants to be a sheep-dog, however he is a pig, not a dog. He can't be a sheep-dog. That's why he tries to be a sheep-pig.

 I like this story because his process of growing up moves my heart. Then I like it because the characters are so unique! And, what is more, this book tells us something important!! It is how valuable being polite is. Fly is a brilliant sheep-dog, and he thinks that dogs are clever animals but sheep are stupid animals. She looks down on sheep, so she teach Babe to "tell" sheep, not to "ask" sheep. Actually, she doesn't know what like pigs are at first, and she thinks that humans eat stupid animals, so she teaches her young pigs as stupid animals. (It's so interesting. Don't we think of  stupid animals as hood?) However, she gets to know Babe is clever, so she tells him to be clever. On the other hand, Babe is very polite to sheep, and sheep like Babe. Sheep hate Fly as a bad wolf.  After sheep meets Babe, they change their attitude to Fly, who is not polite. One day, they ignore Fly's command, and begins to speak sheep language. Fly and human farmer don't know the words, except Babe. However, what is most interesting, it's not only sheeps who change their minds after Babe comes to their farm. Fly is also getting be a changed one, gradually. Fly have watched Babe, and she "asks" sheep about one thing for Babe. Then, she is able to talk with sheep! This tells us that being polite is important. That is, thinking of someone's mind is so precious. Communication with animals might be possible if we have the same gaze as animals.....

Dick King-Smith ; retold by Chris Grant-Bear  (1999). Babe: The shee-pig. Britain: Person Education

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Cummins, Jim

  Cummins, Jim is  professor James Patrick Cummins who is one of the world's most influential researchers in bilingualism studies. He wa...